[Sugar-devel] sugar-pippy dependencies

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Mon Sep 28 21:58:39 EDT 2009

Hi Bernie,

On 29 Sep 2009, at 02:33, Bernie Innocenti wrote:

> Hello,
> the sugar-pippy rpm in Fedora depends on pygame, which is used by some
> of the examples.
> So far, so good, but pygame in turn depends on numpy, a 7.7MB package
> which a lot of huge dependencies such as atlas (11MB), libgfortran
> (1MB), blas (700KB) and python-nose (1MB).
> The rest of Sugar is now free of numpy, so it would be good if we  
> could
> get rid of it completely.  One quick solution would be splitting the
> problematic examples to a sugar-pippy-examples-extra package.
> Another possibility -- probably the cleanest -- would be splitting the
> optional classes surfarray and sndarray to a subpackage of pygame.

Hmmm, but isn't numpy a listed Sucrose dependancy for Activity  
developers to make use of? 0.86 and 0.84 for sure, possibly 0.82 as  
well (though maybe it was numeric back then).

I remember when we switched from numeric, several activities at least  
back then had to be updated (Measure was one), and I've almost used  
numpy myself for a couple of activity ideas I've hacked about with  
here (one is a cellular automata sand box environment, using bricks to  
program the rule sets, much like TA – I should really sit down and  
'get it done'). There may well be other activities relying on it.


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