[Sugar-devel] [Karma] let's stick w/ Javascript 1.6

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Thu Sep 17 09:02:27 EDT 2009

I haven't been able to get my hands on Safari but I have tested Arora, a
QtWebkit browser that lucian informs me uses stock JavascriptCore.

I was able to run .map(), .forEach() w/ out a problem so I think we can
use js 1.6 and don't have to the dark ages of 1.5 ;)

On Thu, 2009-09-17 at 09:56 +0545, Bryan Berry wrote:
> Felipe,
> I noticed that you said we are using Javascript 1.8 for Karma.
> I strongly recommend that we stick w/ Javascript 1.6 or even 1.5
> Only Firefox supports Js 1.8. Chrome does not and Safari does not.
> Chrome does seem to support some aspects of Js 1.8 like 
> map(), filter() , some(), reduce()
> but it doesn't support forEach(), many(), let expressions
> nor does it support the beautiful generator expressions that Js 1.8
> does :(. __big :(__  
> so while Mozilla is advancing js to become a truly awesome programming
> language, I think we should hold back until the new features are better
> supported.
> I intend to find out safari does support map(), filter(), some(),
> reduce() because we use the jquery equivalents already. Using the native
> js method would speed up our code considerably and make it more portable
Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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