[Sugar-devel] [Karma] To do for 0.1 release

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Sat Sep 12 23:52:18 EDT 2009

Release 0.1 is almost ready

Just a couple things need to be done:

     1. fix layout of chakra, i.e. mainline/index.html -- Pavel is
        generously helping w/ this
     2. add knavbar to adding_up -- i will try to accomplish this today
        but may not get it done until some time monday
     3. finish article for olpcnews.com, the article will come out on
        Tuesday. i have a very, very rough draft now
     4. Post jsdocs documentation (like Javadoc) to
        karma.sugarlabs.org/api -- Subzero
     5. Take picture of adding_up running on XO -- me

I should be able to tag release v 0.1 by tomorrow evening. We only need
1, 2, and 4 to complete the code release. 3 and 5 are just for

Hey guys, we are almost there! pretty exciting since Karma was just a
vague idea only a few months ago. There is a lot still to do but we are
making steady progress.

Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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