[Sugar-devel] [Karma] Re: progress and issues w/ adding_up

Bryan Berry bryan at olenepal.org
Thu Sep 3 09:43:52 EDT 2009

also another issue i have is that I can't attach a kbutton to a specific
context. I hacked it by adding the event listener directly to the canvas

I think it could be useful to rename klayer to KArea or KZone, an object
that gives u easy access to the canvas and context. We would also need
this object later when we try to save its image state, i.e. save what
has been drawn so we can come back they don't lose everything that has
happened on the canvas. I am talking about save() and restore() in a
more complex and powerful way than ctx.save() or ctx.restore(), which
only save the drawing state.

also, with KArea or KZone, we could use that object to move the html
element around, be shrink it, reposition it on the page.

On Thu, 2009-09-03 at 17:56 +0545, Bryan Berry wrote:
> I have adding_up kind of working w/ the new html layout, but it doesn't
> actually add up to the correct sum :(
> Problem #1 
> I kept getting an infinite loop in this section in the distance2() call
> I have to admit I don't exactly understand what distance2 is doing
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/repos/mainline/blobs/multicanvas/examples/adding_up_to_10/js/lesson.js#line142
> for ( var j=0; j<pos.length; j++) {  
> 	if ( k.geometry.distance2( pos[j], {"x": x, "y": y} ) < 80 ) {     flag
> = true; 
> 	break; }  }
> }while ( flag === true ); 
> pos.push( { "x":x, "y": y } ); 
> k.library.images[ imgId ].draw(ctx, x, y )}
> Also, i don't understand how u can call distance2 w/ pos[j] when pos is
> still an empty array. Maybe it is because js just does a lot of weird
> stuff. 
> Problem #2
> None of the answer boxes holds the correct sum :(
> I am not sure where the logic error is but I am hunting for it!
> as we discussed yesterday, i have put all this work on the "multicanvas"
> tree.
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/karma/repos/mainline/trees/multicanvas
Bryan W. Berry
Technology Director
OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org

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