[Sugar-devel] Testing streamlined sugar-jhbuild

Jonas Smedegaard dr at jones.dk
Fri Jun 19 12:17:35 EDT 2009

Hash: RIPEMD160

On Fri, Jun 19, 2009 at 04:48:39PM +0200, Bernie Innocenti wrote:
>On 06/18/09 20:02, Jonas Smedegaard wrote:
>>> If you're running a *recent* distro other than Fedora or Ubuntu, 
>>> please check out this repository, build, and report back:
>> As you probably all know, I do run a certain distribution different 
>> from those emphasized above.  I do not, however, trust a complex 
>> web-interacting script like jhbuild to run on my machine.
>> I run packaged software.  Risky too, but cutting the wildest edges, I 
>> believe.
>Could you run jhbuild with a different uid, in a chroot environment, or 
>even in a virtual machine?

The following - executed as root - should work fully automated in any 
Debian-based distribution (yes, that includes Ubuntu):

set -e
set -x
#aptitude install cdebootstrap
cdebootstrap --flavour minimal sid tmproot
chroot tmproot
apt-get update
apt-get -y install aptitude
aptitude -y install adduser git-core python wget
adduser --disabled-password --gecos "Jonas Smedegaard" jonas
su - jonas
git clone git://git.sugarlabs.org/sugar-jhbuild/mainline sugar-jhbuild
cd sugar-jhbuild
./sugar-jhbuild update
./sugar-jhbuild depscheck
./sugar-jhbuild build

In reality, my environments are slightly different: I use the "build" 
flavour, and approx and cowdancer packages to speed some things up.  But 
I double-checked just now that above works (until the first 
sugar-jhbuild command, that is).

Inside such chroot you have a very VERY barebones system.  No X11, and 
no access to system devices.

Good luck!

  - Jonas

- -- 
* Jonas Smedegaard - idealist og Internet-arkitekt
* Tlf.: +45 40843136  Website: http://dr.jones.dk/

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