[Sugar-devel] question about: Main Karma Package

Lucian Branescu lucian.branescu at gmail.com
Wed Jul 22 07:59:42 EDT 2009

Now that I'm actually looking at the layout, I realise that you MUST
rename chakra.html/karmaplatz.html to index.html.

If you host the karma bundle somewhere on a web server, when you go to
the bundle ROOT path the server will try to serve index.html, because
that's the default. Since it's not there, it will 403.

Furthermore, if a random web developer with no knowledge of karma
looks inside the karma bundle, they will instinctively look for
index.html. Web devs also expect english, so chakra or karmaplatz will
not tell them anything.

]karmaindex.html might be alright for devs, but it still confuses web
servers and there's no reason to deviate from the de-facto standard of

Sorry for the rant, but I really believe you're making a mistake by
not naming the file index.html. You may call the interface element
'karma index' if you like, because that's what it is.

2009/7/22 Bryan Berry <bryan at olenepal.org>:
> On Tue, 2009-07-21 at 17:49 -0500, Felipe López Toledo wrote:
>> Hi Bryan.
>> I have one question about
>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Karma/Bundle_layout
>> I'm working with our new layout ;)
>> until yesterday, each lesson could work independently. each lesson had
>> their own js files.
>> The beauty of that way, was that you could take a specific lesson
>> folder and put it everywhere and it would work.
>> if we want to do that with the new arrangement, it would be necessary
>> to carry:
>> The specific Lesson folder + Karma lesson bundle folder
> Exactly. the stuff common to all the lessons, like karma.css, jquery.js,
> goes in the top-level directory
> so  ROOT > js/ , css/ , karmaplatz.html, lessons/
>        lessons > js/, css/
> Does it seems like too much overhead to carry around the karmaplatz? I
> figure that most of the time devs will want the karmaplatz to accompany
> their lessons.
>> I would suggest to merge Karma lesson bundle / js with Lesson / js.
>> The problem is that we will have repeated files.
> Yeah. my best solution is just to separate them as  specified before
>> also, the Main Karma Package has its own js folder ("..contain the
>> code common to all examples.."), I suppose it is not necessary since
>> we have the examples folder that will be (I suppose) a Karma Lesson
>> bundle folder.
>> or maybe I'm misunderstanding things.
> I want the examples to use the same common js/ and css/ folders as
> lessons/ . By default, the links to the examples will appear in
> karmaplatz.html  .  I want the paths used in the examples to be the same
> ones that can be used by the new user-created lessons   in lessons/  .
> Using the same file directory layout makes this easier.
> So, I want the examples to look at root > css/, js/  for their common
> files just as the new "lessons" in lessons/ will
>> felipe
> --
> Bryan W. Berry
> Technology Director
> OLE Nepal, http://www.olenepal.org
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