[Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Groupthink 0.1 pre-alpha

Martin Edmund Sevior martines at unimelb.edu.au
Sun Jan 25 17:33:30 EST 2009

Thanks for the link Bobby!

Very interesting that they independently developed techniques similar to ours. We were first though :-)



-----Original Message-----
From: Bobby Powers [mailto:bobbypowers at gmail.com]
Sent: Sun 1/25/2009 7:26 PM
To: Martin Edmund Sevior
Cc: bens at alum.mit.edu; Sugar Devel; Chris Ball
Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Groupthink 0.1 pre-alpha
I stumbled across this google tech talk today on the same subject:

I haven't watched most of it yet, but thought others might be
interested as well.


On Thu, Jan 15, 2009 at 3:02 AM, Martin Edmund Sevior
<martines at unimelb.edu.au> wrote:
> Hi Benjamin,
>             Thanks very much! I'm very interested in looking at the source
> code and data structures.
> These kind of problems are exactly what abicollab (as used by Write) solves.
> I have given some detailed presentations about this. You can find one here:
> (the ogg version)
> http://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2008/Wed/mel8-083.ogg
> (presentation odp)
> http://mirror.linux.org.au/pub/linux.conf.au/2008/slides/083-AbiCollab.odp
> and wiki write up:
> http://www.abisource.com/wiki/AbiCollab
> Maybe these ideas can help.
> Cheers!
> Martin
> -----Original Message-----
> From: sugar-devel-bounces at lists.sugarlabs.org on behalf of Benjamin M.
> Schwartz
> Sent: Thu 1/15/2009 3:25 PM
> To: Martin Edmund Sevior
> Cc: bens at alum.mit.edu; Sugar Devel; Chris Ball
> Subject: Re: [Sugar-devel] [ANNOUNCE] Groupthink 0.1 pre-alpha
> Hash: SHA1
> Martin Edmund Sevior wrote:
>>          How do you solve "internet lag".
>> User A puts a character "A" in position 10, then before user B see sees
> this (because of the finite propagation time), he puts character "B" in
> position 10?
>> Who wins? You just have to make sure the the document remains the same
> for both users.
> This is, indeed, the central problem.  For the moment, the answer is:
> Groupthink does not support full documents, only short snippets of text.
> I have prototyped a data structure that I believe can coherently resolve
> these sorts of edit conflicts in long documents without any negotiation,
> but it remains to be seen if the design will work.
> In general, Groupthink's approach (described at length in docstrings in
> the code) is to write each data structure in such a way that any two users
> who have observed the same set of messages will arrive at the same state,
> regardless of the order in which those messages are received.  The hard
> part is figuring out how to do this for each kind of data structure.
> However, once it is working, the code can be reused for many purposes
> without needing to understand how it works.
> - --Ben
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