[Sugar-devel] Fwd: Activity startup idea

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar at fas.harvard.edu
Mon Feb 23 18:03:57 EST 2009

Luke Faraone wrote:
> On Mon, Feb 23, 2009 at 5:46 PM, Carol Farlow Lerche <cafl at msbit.com> wrote:
>> Spend a few hours in a kindergarten classroom.  It doesn't work to prevent
>> repeated launching of activities and ultimately a need to reboot.
> Is there anything sugar can do in this regard?

In 0.84, clicking an icon in the home view for an activity that is already
running will simply switch to the running instance.  It will still be
possible to have multiple instances open, by selecting "new instance" from
a dropdown menu,  but multiple instances will not be created without a
deliberate conscious choice.

I expect that this will dramatically reduce the incidence of the effect
that Carol describes.


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