[Sugar-devel] Request for icons

Eduardo H. Silva hoboprimate at gmail.com
Sun Feb 22 15:12:00 EST 2009

As I understand it, not all palette options need an icon. In your
case, they are variations of skipping to the next X, where X can be a
page, or section, or bookmark. The icon which opens that palette
already has the turning page icon, and so by default should switch to
the next page. The advanced options dont need an icon, and my
reasoning in this is, eventually youll get a UI with icons everywhere
for every option, which will overload it with symbols, and eventually
will just be disregard it (take Ubuntu: do you care for icons anymore
when traversing the Applications icon, or the name?) Icons should be
used for first class objects, not everywhere, in my humble opinion.

Be free to disagree of course, its just my current thinking on it.

(Plus, it gives icon artists a break of ever-inventing a new visual
icon for every option).


2009/2/22 Sayamindu Dasgupta <sayamindu at gmail.com>:
> Dear fellow Sugar enthusiasts,
> Can someone kindly draw a couple of icons for me ? Both of them are
> shown at http://wiki.laptop.org/images/8/8b/Activity_read_next.jpg (I
> need the ones which signify next-page and previous-page). I have been
> working on bookmarks support and more interesting things in Read for
> sometime (check out
> http://git.sugarlabs.org/projects/read/repos/sayamindu-sandbox if you
> are interested), but I suck at producing anything sensible with
> Inkscape :-(.
> Thank you very much :-).
> Sayamindu
> --
> Sayamindu Dasgupta
> [http://sayamindu.randomink.org/ramblings]
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