[Sugar-devel] Have a discard option in the "name a fresh instance" dialog

Gary C Martin gary at garycmartin.com
Thu Feb 19 09:51:21 EST 2009

On 19 Feb 2009, at 06:30, Simon Schampijer wrote:

> Gary C Martin wrote:
>> On 18 Feb 2009, at 20:31, Wade Brainerd wrote:
>>> As I understood it, the ability to "Not Keep" was an important  
>>> part  of this design, but I haven't seen the implementation yet.
>>> Is it not there, or maybe just not immediately discoverable?
>>> I too think it would be wonderful to have a Don't Keep button  
>>> right  there.
>> I'd like to see a 'don't keep' as well, but I think it's a bunch  
>> more  complicated in the current data-store implementation.  
>> Activities get  Journal entries created as you switch away from  
>> them, and perhaps some  other cases (sleep?), so a 'don't keep'  
>> button would need to actively  DELETE journal entries that may have  
>> been created before the activity  was first stopped.
>> Just wanted to raise the implementation issues, but I would like a   
>> 'don't keep' if it didn't burn too much core dev time, though I  
>> accept  this may be due to my particular current Sugar usage pattern.
>> --Gary
> Right, so there is an issue implementation wise. Also the discard  
> button should probably be in the activity toolbar.
> One good news is that with the option to 'resume by default' we  
> actually don't create that many entries anymore.
> Can we say that the discard option is a general addition but does  
> not stop us from landing the current implementation of the Naming  
> Alert?

Sure FWIW, on balance, I'd like to see the current Naming Alert go  
ahead. It can be fine tuned in the next release cycle.


> Thanks,
>   Simon

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