[Sugar-devel] moving some more configuration to gconf (was Re: some efforts that would be really useful for deployments)

Simon Schampijer simon at schampijer.de
Tue Dec 8 03:56:45 EST 2009

On 12/07/2009 11:39 AM, Mathieu Bridon (bochecha) wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 7, 2009 at 10:11, Simon Schampijer<simon at schampijer.de>  wrote:
>> Yes, I think it makes sense to control settings via gconf - this should
>> be our standard way.
> Isn't Gnome thinking about dropping GConf ? (in favor of DCconf as far
> as I understood)
> I'd be worried about using a technology that upstream is not certain
> to go on maintaining :-/

In general I agree. Though, the discussion with moving away from gconf 
has been for a while. It has been now scheduled for 3.0 it looks like.


+ dconf (desktop)
    - agreement it's the way forward
    - concerns about migration of settings
    - concerns about the lack of planning for admin tools (pessulus and
    - concerns about the fact that we need stuff in glib but that's not
      there yet (although we know there's a plan for this)
    - a massive migration from gconf to dconf would be preferrable
      (instead of having some modules using gconf and some other modules
      using dconf). We know it might not be realistic, though.
    => rejected for this cycle, but pre-approved for the next cycle
       (assuming glib gets the required API for the next cycle). The
       additional time should be used for careful planning of the above
    => we encourage developers to look at it and to create gsettings
       branches for their modules (like devhelp and gedit).

Maybe someone wants to evaluate the current status of dconf, work out 
the pros and cons and present a summary here?


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