[Sugar-devel] New SoaS-on-XO-1 build done: soasxo58

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Fri Aug 21 11:54:45 EDT 2009

Hi Samy,

On Fri, Aug 21, 2009 at 02:39:43PM +0200, s.boutayeb at free.fr wrote:
> Hi Martin,

> dracut: FATAL: Don't know how to handle "root=mtd0'

As a workaround, try deleting nand:\boot\initrd.img .  You don't need
it to boot from NAND and then dracut won't get in the way.

> I tried the copying & installation procedure a 2nd time, but with the same
> result.

I have to stare at dracut to see if we need to teach it something or
there's a better approach.

> FWIW, a prior build (soasxo51) worked fine on the same machine

Thanks - that version didn't have dracut (working).

> Best regards,
> Samy

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