[Sugar-devel] Activity for proof of concept [KARMA]

Felipe López Toledo zer.subzero at gmail.com
Fri Apr 24 20:32:51 EDT 2009


Roshan Karki, thanks for writing,

my first question is "how to run it?"
I load the swf files on Mozilla FIrefox 3.0.3 and I got this:
3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_B.swf - a blue screen
3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.swf - a really low yellow screen?
3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_L.swf - a white screen

I was trying with

but I got "time out error"

thanks ind advance.


On Fri, Apr 24, 2009 at 4:28 AM, Bert Freudenberg <bert at freudenbergs.de>wrote:

> On 24.04.2009, at 11:10, roshan karki wrote:
> Hello,
> I'm Roshan Karki. Bryan must have told you about the activity for proof of
> concept. Here, I'm trying to tell you more about the activity and the reason
> for choosing it.
> You can get the activity from
> http://hg.olenepal.org/3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf/
> The activity contains two lesson part. Lesson part usually contains simple
> animation or simple exercise for which a student isn't judged. This activity
> has an interactive lesson.
> The exercise part in this activity is also different from other activities.
> This exercise has mixture of options like typing correct answer, clicking
> correct answer and so on. Normally we have only one kind of mechanism to
> choose correct answer.
> One thing missing in this exercise is the "correct" and "incorrect" sound
> that plays as the user submits the answer.
> While in lesson part, you can also play game. The game icon is at right
> corner.
> Please put forward  your questions and confusions.
> I could not figure out how to run it. Here's what I got after downloading:
> 3_Maths_Quadrilatera_1_swf_L.fla
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf.jpg
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_B.fla
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_B.swf
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.fla
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_E.swf
> 3_Maths_Quadrilateral_1_swf_L.swf
> Excercise.as
> ExerciseStarting.as
> Games
> GeoBoard.as
> LessonPlan.swf
> LessonStarting.as
> Line.as
> LineAddedEvent.as
> Stick.as
> TeacherNotes.pdf
> TeacherNotes.swf
> config.xml
> lessonPlan.pdf
> - Bert -
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