[Sugar-devel] Wanted: Servers for build farm

Sascha Silbe sascha-ml-ui-sugar-devel at silbe.org
Mon Apr 6 09:47:55 EDT 2009

On Mon, Apr 06, 2009 at 06:48:42PM +0530, Jigish Gohil wrote:

> Have you looked at https://build.opensuse.org, it supports building of
> packages for RHEL, Fedora, Ubuntu, Debian, Mandriva all most recent
> versions. It also has a great mirror network.
That seems to be only for building packages for distribution. Our build 
network currently doesn't produce any installable output (except for 
SoaS, but that's a different issue), but rather runs 
(build/unit/regression) tests on the latest development sources (that 
shouldn't get packaged anyway).
While it might be an interesting service for distro packagers (so thanks 
for the hint!), it's entirely orthogonal to our current needs.

CU Sascha

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