[Sugar-devel] Turtleart broken with Sugar 0.83

Walter Bender walter.bender
Sat Nov 29 09:50:36 EST 2008

For some reason, my sugar-jhbuild wasn't updating properly, so I wiped
it out and did a fresh git-clone. It still didn't work, so I did a
fresh install of Intrepid. Then everything worked--except I need to
get my wifi working again :(


On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Marco Pesenti Gritti
<marcopg at sugarlabs.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Nov 29, 2008 at 3:00 PM, Walter Bender <walter.bender at gmail.com> wrote:
>> done. TurtleArt-19 is pushed.
>> (I must have missed the memo about the import registry call breaking
>> things. I was testing on 0.82. But I have a fresh install on my laptop
>> now, so I think I'll catch these problems sooner going forward. But
>> how do I test it on older systems??)
> What do you mean with a fresh install? sugar-jhbuild?
> I think expecting activity authors to always test their changes on
> older versions of the platform would be unrealistic. In most cases it
> should be possible to guess if a change is going to cause problems,
> like for this one which is just a removal of an unused import. Beyond
> that I suspect we will have to rely on downstream QA and on automated
> testing.
> Marco

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs

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