[sugar] Update.1 activities download script

Chris Hager chris
Mon Mar 17 09:48:13 EDT 2008

Sorry for posting twice here before, but somehow I didn't receive any 
devel and sugar mails for 2 days... Now seems to work again. :p

I'm just about implementing the script into xo-get, and I was thinking 
on how to do it. Either simply integrating it into xo-get.py (xo-get is 
a 1-file script), or download it on an 'xo-get upgrade' if it's not 
available. This might be smarter, so changes in the upgrade script can 
be made without changing xo-get.

Bert Freudenberg wrote:
> ...
> To save download time, do something like this first:
> cp -a /usr/share/activities/*.activity /home/olpc/Activities

Maybe only make symlinks?

  ln -s /usr/share/activities/*.activity /home/olpc/Activities/

> And finally, there is a trick in the script so it connects to the  
> current Sugar session even if run from the console or via ssh - may be  
> useful to somebody:
> if not 'SUGAR_PREFIX' in os.environ:
>    """Connect to running Sugar session"""
>    cp = ConfigParser()
>    cp.read(env.get_profile_path('session.info'))
>    os.environ['DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS'] = cp.get('Session',  
> 'dbus_address')
>    dbus.set_default_main_loop(dbus.mainloop.NULL_MAIN_LOOP)

Thanks a lot, this is really useful for me already! Maybe also put it 
somewhere in the wiki... [[Programming Tricks]] :)

- Chris

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