[sugar] New multilingual dictionary activity

Joshua Minor j
Tue Mar 11 02:19:59 EDT 2008

On Mar 10, 2008, at 9:24 PM, Chris Ball wrote:

> Hi Josh, thanks for the reply.
>> I would wait for the speech server before you get elaborate.
>> If you want a placeholder that will actually work you can use
>> something like this:
> I've done exactly that, and released Words-2 with speech turned on:
>   http://dev.laptop.org/~cjb/words/Words-2.xo
> Our espeak build has voices for all of the dictionary languages  
> (French,
> German, Italian, Spanish) except Portuguese, which I've set to  
> Spanish.

Neat!  I like that you put both the word and the translation at the  
top.  Maybe pressing Enter would speak both words, then you could use  
it with just the keyboard.

Also, lots of language learning audio programs will use a male voice  
for one language and a female voice for another language to help you  
differentiate them.  At the moment espeak doesn't come with any female  
voices, buy you could use the pitch adjustment (espeak -p) instead.

> Anyone have a better name than "Words" for this?

How about "Translate" ?

By the way, I like the icon a lot.


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