[sugar] libabiword, libabiword-plugins, pyabiword and abiword merged

J.M. Maurer uwog
Wed Jul 23 16:34:20 EDT 2008

On Wed, 2008-07-23 at 22:24 +0200, J.M. Maurer wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've merged libabiword, libabiword-plugins and pyabiword from OLPC with
> the official Fedora AbiWord package. libabiword-plugins only existed in
> OLPC-land, and has been retired.
> Everything is built through koji now and joyride should build again. If
> there are any problems (for example, dragging in too many deps on OLPC),
> please let me know.
> Sorry for all the build breakages in the process. It wasn't exactly a
> trivial merge.

Oh, this also means that libabiword in joyride is the latest upstream
version again, instead of some random SVN snapshot from Nov. 2007.


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