[sugar] Trac workflow

Michael Stone michael
Mon Jul 21 12:16:43 EDT 2008

On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 08:35:10AM +0200, Simon Schampijer wrote:
>We have the 'package' option as well. I guess this is what needs to happen after 
>checking into git. 'package' is then doing the tarball release and 'add to build' 
>building in koji maybe? 

Packaging is the production of rpms or .xos. Sometimes, people want us
to include new RPMs. Other times, when we're in change control, the
packages need to be migrated into the release build. The 'add to build'
action can be used in these cases.

> If we do it that detailed we might want to add a 'add to git' tag as
> well.

All code should be in source control all the time, period. No
exceptions. (Use branches or separate repositories if you need to keep
your work separate from your stable material.)


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