[sugar] Activity versioning schema

Benjamin M. Schwartz bmschwar
Mon Jul 14 19:47:36 EDT 2008

Hash: SHA1

Jameson "Chema" Quinn wrote:
| It is desirable for Sugar to be able to compare versions and
| guess which one is newer.

"Newer" means "more recent".  If this capability is important to you, then
we may simply include a datestamp in each bundle, separate from the
version.  However, I do not know of any planned Sugar feature that would
require the ability to determine which bundle was created most recently.

| If, as is the current plan, multiple versions of
| an activity can coexist on an XO, it is reasonable to want sugar to present
| these in some sane order, and possibly give hints and/or aid if the user
| wants to update and/or garbage collect. Otherwise, we might as well just be
| using activity hash, which can be calculated without being explicitly
| included in activity.info.

I favor including a version string with every bundle.  I favor displaying
this string in places where it is needed to disambiguate multiple versions
of an Activity.  I'm merely suggesting that the system not attempt to
parse it.

You mention ordering.  The Journal designs have long called for all
columns to be sorted, with the user selecting the order of sorting
precedence.  One intermediate position would be for the Version column to
be sorted according to a best-effort ordering that attempts to do
something sane when faced with any of the common version string conventions.

- --Ben
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