[sugar] Joyride build errors

Bert Freudenberg bert
Mon Nov 12 15:28:00 EST 2007

On Nov 12, 2007, at 16:22 , Ed Stoner wrote:

> Are you saying I need to change the filenames?

Yes. You should switch to bundlebuilder anyway, bundle-signing will  
require this soonish. This will also ensure a correctly-named .xo file.

- Bert -

> I named the xo packages based on how the repositories were setup.   
> Does the build system look at the activity.info and check that they  
> are the same?
> -Ed
> Bert Freudenberg wrote:
>> On Nov 12, 2007, at 13:25 , Ed Stoner wrote:
>>> At
>>> http://xs-dev.laptop.org/~cscott/olpc/streams/joyride/build258/ 
>>> devel_jffs2/build.log
>>> I see:
>>> No activity matches FlipSticks
>>> No activity matches CartoonBuilder
>>> I am the developer of both of these activities and believe I've done
>>> everything I am supposed to to get them included.  I'm obviously  
>>> missing
>>> something though.  Can anyone explain what these errors mean and  
>>> what I
>>> should be doing to resolve them?
>> flipsticks-1.xo != FlipSticks-1.xo
>> cartoon-builder-1.xo != CartoonBuilder-1.xo
>> - Bert -

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