[sugar] Sugar API status

"João Bosco A. Pereira Filho" jpf
Tue May 8 11:34:59 EDT 2007

Hello everybody!

    What is the status of the Sugar API? Is it stable? I want to develop 
an activity but I don't want to change it later due to API changes ...
    Do you think the API will change much from what it is right now?


*Jo?o Bosco A. Pereira Filho*
Desenvolvedor de Software / Pesquisador
Mestrando em Ci?ncias da Computa??o - UFSC
Sun Certified Java Programmer 5.0
Scrum Master

Funda??o CERTI (www.certi.org.br)
jpf at certi.org.br
Fone: +55 48 3239-2179
Fax: +55 48 3239-2009

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