[sugar] Re: Anyone with a B2 laptop in Toronto want to show it off?

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch
Fri Mar 16 19:46:54 EDT 2007

Ben Juhn wrote:
>> Doing an introduction to developing for Sugar at PyGTA (Toronto Area 
>> Python User's group) on Tuesday evening (7pm-ish).
> I don't have a laptop but I am interested in coming out.  
> Just to confirm its at 326 Harbord Street, on the N/E corner of Grace Street and
> Harbord?  
Yes, Linux Caffe is at the corner of Grace and Harbord.  The next 
meeting page has links to a map:


we have a laptop tentatively showing up (thanks to Adrian Martin).

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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