[sugar] How to try TamTam - noob questions (sorry!)

imm ian
Sun Aug 19 14:59:35 EDT 2007

On 19 Aug 2007, at 19:27, J.M. Maurer wrote:

>> - When I run sugar-jhbuild build, I get errors flagged at build (and
>> install) of libabiword-plugins, and errors flagged installing chat-
>> activity - is this normal? I assume it is because the master tree is
>> in constant flux and I just caught it at a bad time?
> Speaking for libabiword-plugins: yes, get you just caught a bad time.

Thanks - I just ran update/build and that does indeed seem to have  
resolved the libabiword-plugins issue. Lets hope the rest of my  
queries are as swiftly and smoothly resolved!

Thanks very much,

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