[sugar] Integration with web apps (and Moodle specifically!)

Martin Langhoff martin.langhoff
Sun Sep 3 17:18:17 EDT 2006

On 9/4/06, Ian Bicking <ianb at colorstudy.com> wrote:
> OK, I'm trying to get a handle on the kind of identification you are
> talking about then.  Like Martin I kind of thought we were talking about
> laptop/clients identifying themselves to servers.

Hi Ian,

Due to the mesh structure of the network and unreliable/limited access
to remote servers, I suspect that the OLPC environment is strongly P2P
shaped, with some client-server services, where "local" servers are
significantly better than remote servers.

So any auth scheme will have to work in this P2P + distributed servers scenario.

> So are we talking about laptops identifying themselves to other laptops?

Very likely. Have you seen sugar's demo UIs?

>   Or even the laptop identifying itself to... itself?

Ivan was indicating D-Bus for local RPC.



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