[sugar] AbiWord Sugar activity

msevior@physics.unimelb.edu.au msevior
Fri Dec 1 09:30:47 EST 2006

> After reading some of the IRC backlog, I noticed some very good questions
> come
> up about states.
> When one of the toggle buttons is selected (font style or text position),
> what
> does it look like?  Is it depressed?

In AbiWord proper, it looks depressed. The save/undo/redo buttons are
greyed out if the document is not in the correct state.

In the new python based activity this does not happen yet. We're working
on a way to implement it now. It's not trivial but it should be solved by
the end of next week. We plan to build a bridge between AbiWord cross
platform signaling code and the gtk event system. As notifications are
sent to the buttons via the normal AbiWord view listeners we'll just
connect another listener that translates the notification to gtk events.

The python toolbar will then respond to the events and grey out or depress
buttons as appropriate.

I don't know if the sugar guys want to implement a "save as" button. Every
extra button makes the application more complex.



> When the save option is not available does it become disabled and the icon
> has
> a different look?  This is important feedback from the system to tell the
> user "yes, we have the latest version of your file, don't worry about
> closing
> the application".  Otherwise you have users making changes, saving, having
> their attention diverted, coming back to the application and wondering
> "did I
> save this?  i thought i did.  what are the new changes?  did I hit some
> keys
> by acciden?".
> I also noticed the issue of Save As come up, I wonder what other
> discussions
> have been made about this or similar options?  The solution I read about
> was
> to modify the save option on key press?
> On Friday 01 December 2006 03:34, Justin Gallardo wrote:
>> Hey everyone,
>>    I spent the afternoon/evening working on a new icon theme for the
>> AbiWord sugar activity, and wanted to get some input on it so far. You
>> can go ahead and view the screenshot of sugar here:
>> http://judas.osuosl.org/~jirwin/abiwordNewIcons2.png
>> Please let me know what you think, as I am more than happy to here any
>> suggestions/comments. Thanks
>> Justin Gallardo
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> Celeste Lyn Paul
> KDE Usability Project
> usability.kde.org
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