[IAEP] Project Management Skills / Habilidades para Gestión de Proyectos

Laura Vargas laura at somosazucar.org
Wed May 3 13:13:36 EDT 2017

Hi all, Hola a todos!

As Walter just clarified our community is a Project and is great step we
all have that clear. Here am sharing a nice article about recently
identified trends and skills required for successful project management:


I specially liked #3:

"People and businesses want to do business with companies that provide
transparency, offer visibility and conduct themselves in ways that are
ethical, socially responsible and accountable. Projects are no exception. "

and #4:

A large part of project management is people who are impacted to a great
extent by interactions with other people. Skills like the ability to
resolve conflict, deal with ambiguity, diplomacy and confidentiality will
be at the forefront as more projects are globally implemented, and
transcend language and cultural barriers.

I think this "trends" describe *key skills we should encourage when
selecting the tools we support*. Specially those somehow related to
"project learning" or "learning by doing projects".

Nice reading.

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“Solo la tecnología libre nos hará libres.”
~ Laura Victoria

Happy Learning!
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