[IAEP] Get IA Books Icon

Jim Simmons nicestep at gmail.com
Tue Jun 30 15:42:50 EDT 2009


I'm not clear on which icon you are praising: mine or Frederick's?

The problem I have with books in a pile or on a shelf is that it's too
similar to Aleksey's design for Library.  I think that design is very
suitable for what Aleksey is doing, because he is building a kind of
electronic bookshelf.  My original card catalog design would be very
good for students that knew what a card catalog was: a dying breed,
unfortunately.  My new design, which I have named "Wings Over The
World", is meant to suggest getting books, not storing or organizing
or reading them.

James Simmons

> For those of us with little artistic or visual skills,  it is very
> clear what this icon means.
> david

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