[IAEP] Intro to Activities / Sugar videos for teachers?

Martin Dengler martin at martindengler.com
Thu Jun 18 06:44:41 EDT 2009


In the UK we've the need to give teachers an introduction to what they
can do with activities and Sugar without aid of an XO or any running
Sugar environment[1].

I think this means we need short video links that showcase activties
and Sugar.

Are there any video links that would be useful for teachers (and
parents, I suppose) to learn about some of the activities and how they
might be used in the classroom?

I/We will collate any links here:


...and here:



1. This is because a) we can't physically get to all the teachers we
want to with our volunteers' time / space limitations; b) we want to
reach teachers as conveniently (for them) as possible; c) we have
neither enough XOs, time, nor hardware to get as many people as we'd
like a running Sugar environment.  We of course would _like_ to do
this, and _will_ be doing it as circumstances permit.
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