[IAEP] [UW-OLPC] Moodle/Lesson Plans/Courses

David Farning dfarning at sugarlabs.org
Wed Nov 5 12:38:15 EST 2008

 Kyle and others,I hope shools.sugarlabs.org will become a useful resource for educators.  At this point, Sugar Labs can help with the means, marketing, and mass:Means - We will help provide the infrastructure that teachers needs to work together on a global basis.Marketing - Sugar Labs with help promote your work to organization that are able to take advantage of the content you share.Mass - With Sugar Labs serving as a point of collaboration, we can generate the critical mass necessary to turn schools.sugarlabs.org into a self sustaining community.Please be patient.  Developing a community can be a frustrating as well as rewarding process.  Let us know how we can help! thanksdavid  
On  11/04/2008, 23:31, Brian Kyle (bakyle at wisc.edu) wrote:Hi All,

This is mostly a note for content developers and those interested in lesson plans.  Sugar Labs (i.e. the people behind Sugar, the software to XO's hardware) has deployed a Moodle server to aggregate lesson plans and courses developed for Sugar/XOs.  From what I hear, this is something with which many teachers are both comfortable and familiar.  This database is intended for communities such as our own!  In the interest of promoting free open source software (FOSS) and sharing with the community, I would encourage looking into this website and contributing back to help create build a solid set of tools for educators.  I know that it has often been mentioned within our own circles that content holds back implementation.
The website, http://schools.sugarlabs.org/, is free, easy to use, and easy to create an account for -- I already have.

  Welcome to the sugarlabs Moodle, the place to store your online lesson plans and courses. The Course categories have been sectioned off into what seem the most logical areas, but if there are any inconsistencies, please contact moodle at sugarlabs.org.   
I have copied this email to the "It's An Education Project" mailing list at Sugar Labs.  (Sorry guys!  Hopefully this is more info than spam...)  To introduce ourselves to you, we are a group out of the University of Wisconsin working in support of the OLPC vision.  You can find a brief overview of some of what we are organizing thus far at: http://uwolpc.pbwiki.com.  Although several opportunities are in place in our local community right now, we have a student org working to continue on and be a hub for further efforts.  Silas Bernardoni, another UW student, and I have had the privilege of speaking in person with David Farning both in an advisory role for as we grow, and with an excitement to partner with in the future as we mature.
Hopefully everyone here at UW has been well.  Look forward to impending official updates about our student org formation and cultivation...

Best regards,

Brian Kyle
One Laptop Per Child, Student Org
  University of Wisconsin-Madison
bakyle at wisc.edu

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