[IAEP] Sugar on a Stick - Can we give it away at FUDCOM and at the DC event Walter is going to?

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Sat Dec 6 21:10:59 EST 2008

On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 4:33 PM, Caroline Meeks
<caroline at solutiongrove.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I think it would be cool to be able to give everyone SoaS USBs as Conference
> Swag at events where Sugar Labs is presenting.
> What do we need to do this?

> 1. A SoaS image we are proud of.  I think we are almost there.

1. Fix bugs.

o There is no free space in rootfs (mounted on /). This makes it
difficult to do anything interesting. I can't install software or save
work. I did say to allocate 128 MB free space when creating this
bootable USB key. Where is it?

o The Journal is constantly nattering that it is full. It puts wrong
dates on entries, and then loses them (I suppose because it can't
write them anywhere). It usually fails to appear on the frame.

o Activities crash or fail to start, seemingly at random. (Maybe they
can't find the Journal, either?)

o The cursor keys don't work in Browse or Terminal.

o Ubuntu grabs Alt-Tabs, so I can't switch activities conveniently.
Well, I can use the frame.

o When I exited Sugar and rebooted from the stick, Gnome barely
loaded, and was unusable. When I rebooted again, it failed to get past
a command line.

2. Write a short document on how to use it. These are some more things
that took me too long to discover, or that I have not yet discovered.
Apparently the new features are documented in the release notes, but
not in the form a beginner is looking for.

o Where is Sugar?! Applications/Other/Sugar Emulator. Put it on the toolbar.

o How do I enable repositories? vi /etc/apt/sources.list, and
uncomment some lines, but it doesn't do me any good without filesystem

o How do I install xo-get, or indeed anything?  ??

o Is there a way to load saved sessions from elsewhere, even if I
can't save anything on the stick?

> 2. Lots of USB Sticks - Walter says he is making good progress on a donor.
> 3. A way to flash a hundred sticks in only an hour or two - Any ideas?

I see services that will do this for you.

1G drives printed with your logo and preloaded with your data, $10.19

And here is an instance of the equipment, for making 21 copies at a time.


- Part #330104
Part # 	330104
Price	$1,049.00

PART # 330104E
Part # 	330104E
Price	$499.00

And some more.

http://users.skynet.be/fa945585/NewFiles/usb tester.html

> Do other people think this is a useful thing to aim for in January?
> What activities make the best impression and should be on the Stick?

Depends on the audience, and on whether we provide tutorials and
explain how the Activities can be used in the classroom.

o xo-get
o TurteArt (sic)     with examples. So much math! So much programming,
                             and no syntax errors!
o Terminal            Gotta have the command line.
o eToys                 Where it all began.
o Pippy                 import antigravity! Uh, import SciPy?
o Measure             Do you have any idea how much science you can do
                             with a digital oscilloscope in both time
and frequency

If users will be able to collaborate, then


> What else should we think about to make such a give-away effective?

Branding on the stick and the lanyard.

Tell them how to join the project.
> --
> Caroline Meeks
> Solution Grove
> Caroline at SolutionGrove.com
> 617-500-3488 - Office
> 505-213-3268 - Fax
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
> IAEP at lists.sugarlabs.org
> http://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

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And Children are my nation.
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