[Sugar-devel] Additional folders in Journal

Manuel QuiƱones manuq at laptop.org
Fri Jan 3 15:53:03 EST 2014

2013/12/7 Emil Dudev <emildudev at gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I have made a patch to add additional directories to the Journal. Currently
> the only directory was the user's Documents one.
> Here is the ticket that states the problem:
> http://bugs.sugarlabs.org/ticket/3856
> The code comparison:
> https://github.com/edudev/sugar/compare/sugarlabs:master...edudev:ticket3856
> I currently display all the folders that xdg-user-dir handles. Half of them
> can be removed.
> And an other thing: the icons of all the folders is 'user-documents'.

We have to discuss if we want this change in the first place.  Tough decision :)

The Documents folder was added to have a way to exchange files between
Sugar and GNOME.

In the long term, we can think how to adapt Sugar datastore to the
conventional and well standarized folders (Pictures, Downloads, etc).

I don't think that just adding all of them is good.

Thanks for your work,

.. manuq ..

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