[Sugar-devel] [sugar-build] Support for github forks and ssh

Manuel QuiƱones manuq at laptop.org
Mon Jun 17 07:40:56 EDT 2013

Very useful, Thanks!

2013/6/17 Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>:
> Let's say I made a sugar fork. This will make sugar-build pull from it
> dnarvaez at dnarvaez:~/sugar-build$ cat prefs.json
> {
>     "github": {
>         "forks": [
>             "dnarvaez/sugar.git"
>         ]
>     }
> }
> dnarvaez at dnarvaez:~/sugar-build$ rm -rf sugar
> dnarvaez at dnarvaez:~/sugar-build$ ./osbuild pull sugar
> * Pulling sugar
> Now if I want to pull changes from upstream and update my fork (well, mine
> was already uptodate but...)
> dnarvaez at dnarvaez:~/sugar-build/sugar$ git fetch upstream
> From git://github.com/sugarlabs/sugar
>  * [new branch]      html       -> upstream/html
>  * [new branch]      html2      -> upstream/html2
>  * [new branch]      master     -> upstream/master
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.82 -> upstream/sucrose-0.82
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.84 -> upstream/sucrose-0.84
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.86 -> upstream/sucrose-0.86
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.88 -> upstream/sucrose-0.88
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.90 -> upstream/sucrose-0.90
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.92 -> upstream/sucrose-0.92
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.94 -> upstream/sucrose-0.94
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.96 -> upstream/sucrose-0.96
>  * [new branch]      sucrose-0.98 -> upstream/sucrose-0.98
>  * [new branch]      tableview  -> upstream/tableview
> dnarvaez at dnarvaez:~/sugar-build/sugar$ git merge upstream/master
> Already up-to-date.
> dnarvaez at dnarvaez:~/sugar-build/sugar$ git push
> Everything up-to-date
> Finally, if I have write access to the official repository I can set it up
> like this
> {
>     "github": {
>         "forks": [
>             "dnarvaez/sugar.git"
>         ],
>         "ssh": [
>             "sugarlabs/sugar.git"
>         ]
>     }
> }
> So when I want to push someone else patch to the official repo I just
> git push upstream
> On 16 June 2013 21:56, Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org> wrote:
>> How should be the use in this case, can we set our repo forked in github,
>> and sugar-build will update from there?
>> Btw, great job with developer.sugarlabs.org
>> Gonzalo
>> On Sun, Jun 16, 2013 at 11:09 AM, Daniel Narvaez <dwnarvaez at gmail.com>
>> wrote:
>>> I added a pref to automatically setup remotes for github forks and ssh.
>>> This follows github docs recommended approach.
>>> http://developer.sugarlabs.org/dev-environment.md.html#github
>>> --
>>> Daniel Narvaez
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> --
> Daniel Narvaez
> _______________________________________________
> Sugar-devel mailing list
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.. manuq ..

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