[Sugar-devel] Implode activity patches, maintainership and release

Manuel Quiñones manuq at laptop.org
Mon Mar 12 09:28:33 EDT 2012

El día 12 de marzo de 2012 00:58, Gonzalo Odiard <gonzalo at laptop.org> escribió:
> Thanks Joe.
> I hope we can count with you when you have more time!
> Gonzalo
> 2012/3/11 <joe at jotaro.com>
>> Hi Manuel,
>> Sorry, I've been meaning to review the patches, but I haven't had time to
>> get a testing environment set up.  I've added you to the repo, so you
>> should be able to review and commit now.

Thank you very much Joe, just pushed the patches and released version 11.


.. manuq ..

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