[Systems] Maintenance downtime today for OS upgrades

Bernie Innocenti bernie at codewiz.org
Sat Jul 16 17:46:35 EDT 2016

On 16/07/16 17:25, Samuel Cantero wrote:
> Finally, ASLO is up and running again, but we are running it in a new VM
> instead of a docker container. We still need to improve our docker infra.

Thank you Samuel, you are a hero.

Could you please make the A record point to "aslo" (matching the real
hostname) and add a CNAME activities -> aslo?

This way, it's easier to map the VMs to their hostname and host multiple
domains on the same VM (multiple domains does not necessarily imply
multiple services... It could be stuff like www.sugar-activities.org).

 _ // Bernie Innocenti
 \X/  http://codewiz.org

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