[sugar-sur] 2017 Debugging member's List

Laura Vargas laura en somosazucar.org
Lun Mar 13 12:32:42 EDT 2017

Hi all! Hola a todos!

Espero que tengan una feliz semana :D

This week I have advanced some work on the *2017 debugging process for the
Sugar Labs member list*:


Working on the Google doc spreadsheet, I have debugged 8 duplicated

George Hunt: I deleted the 2015 registry and kept the 2010 original
User Befana: This is Pilar Saenz user so I keep her original 2008 registry.
Alex Dupuy: I merge into a single registry with "Alexander Dupuy" as they
both had the same email.
Lisa Strausfeld: Kept her original registry from 2008.
Ifeanyi Mattew: Kept her original registry from 2015.
Sandra Thaxter: Kept her original registry from 2011 with updated email.
Tabitha Roder: Kept her original registry from 2009 with updated email.
Bastien Guerry: Kept his original registry from 2008 with updated email.

For the following 10 names added on 2008 we don't have emails, so we can
not count them as members according to the defined procedure. We at the
membership committee would thank If you can reach any of them and let them
know this information is required to be listed on the members list and to
please send an email to members AT sugarlabs.org:

Douglas Eck
Eduardo Cantoral
Eric Myers
Graham Macdougall
Haakon Meland Eriksen
Lee Daniel Crocker
Michelle Porto de Castro
Niels Olson
Sean Wood

Summarizing, as of today we have a total of *264 registrys *at the Sugar
Labs members list.

Since 54% of the registries were made on 2008, I propose the next step
should be to *send an email to all members and validate we have valid

Regards and blessings,

Laura V.
* I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*

“No paradox, no progress.”
~ Niels Bohr

Happy Learning!
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