[sugar-sur] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget

Jatuff Esteban estebanjatuff en gmail.com
Vie Feb 24 14:51:03 EST 2017

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El feb. 23, 2017 13:27, "Laura Vargas" <laura en somosazucar.org> escribió:

> Hello all! Hola a todos!
> 2016 Fiscal year is soon coming to its end (March 1st 2016 until February
> 28th 2017).
> Subject to final reports from Adam, we must consider and project our
> expenses of the 2017 fiscal year. I would like to help in a first draft.
> From the systems, marketing and funding threads, it has become clear Sugar
> Labs Project basically requires:
> *[1] To sponsor any motivated, active individuals in need to continue
> doing the best they can to support our mission.*
> - For this end I'm leading the initiative of Open Badges (12 Badges in
> total, 6 with a US$ 500 monthly stipend) totaling US$36,000.
> - Also for this end, Walter is leading the Outreachy internship initiative
> with a budget of US$ 5,500.
> *[2] To make sure our servers are safe and our systems are distributed.*
> - For this end systems have required to budget and acquire a UPS for our
> servers at MIT. On January Samuel quoted 3 options budget range of US$200 -
> US$1.000.
> - Please can anyone confirm if we require to maintain and budget for
> additional infrastructure?
> *[3] To maintain domains and trademarks*.
> - As far as I understand only sugarlabs.org and sugarlabs.net will need
> to be renewed this year at a estimated cost of less than US$100.
> - Last year we spent $700 on trademark registration, I'm not sure if this
> is a yearly fee, please can anyone confirm? I will assume it is.
> *This give us a preliminary Total of Estimated Expenses for 2017 of
> US$43,300  *
> This is what I'm aware of, as the community still needs to define its
> Marketing objectives and strategies and therefore it may be too soon to
> estimate a Budget on that.
> Please share any other initiatives or commitments that will require funds
> for the 2017 fiscal year so we can get to work on a first draft!
> Regards and blessings,
> <http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Finance>
> --
> Laura V.
> * I&D SomosAZUCAR.Org*
> “No paradox, no progress.”
> ~ Niels Bohr
> Happy Learning!
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