[sugar-sur] [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget

Caryl Bigenho cbigenho en hotmail.com
Vie Feb 24 00:30:54 EST 2017

Hi All...

Before we invest any $$$ on personnel, that will eat up all the funds SugarLabs has in just a couple of years, we need to have a product or products that are ready for worldwide distribution and use. Otherwise SugarLabs will end up an empty shell... a "has been"...

To do this, we need proposals for projects to develop hardware and software products such as the one I suggested, last summer, for a Sugarizer1° (Sugarizer Primero).

Each of these products would have a targeted audience (in my proposal's case... Grades K-2), be carefully designed for that audience (in my project's case I proposed curation by a group of teachers with extensive experience using Sugar in their classrooms in Uruguay under the direction by someone like Rosamel Ramirez). My project would also need the preparation of the Sugarizer1° version by Lionel and some of his programmers, documentation for the product's use prepared by users and tested by non-users, and translation of the documentation into a large number of languages.

A project like this would need funds... stipends would be needed for Lionel and his crew, Rosamel and all the teachers involved, documentation writers, testers, and translators. Then a marketing team would be needed to show the product at various educator's conferences, at schools of education in universities, and the like.

Many other projects could be done in a similar fashion. All would need funds. Walter probably has some ideas for things he would like to do. Adam and Samson may also. In fact, many SugarLabs members may have ideas that should be looked at. These things cannot happen if the funds are frittered away on monthly stipends for a select few with no specific goals for producing any targeted products or projects.

But, before any of this can happen...  we need to refocus on defining the mission and vision of SugarLabs. Perhaps Sameer can get us back on track with that, as it seems to have been lost somewhere along the way.

OK... so now that I've opened this can of worms... it's time to go fishing... for goals... objectives... vision... ideas... inspiration... all things money can't buy, but dedication and devotion can. Let's do it!

Caryl (aka GrannieB)

From: IAEP <iaep-bounces en lists.sugarlabs.org> on behalf of Dave Crossland <dave en lab6.com>
Sent: Thursday, February 23, 2017 6:28:16 PM
To: Laura Vargas
Cc: Adam Holt; sugar-sur en lists.sugarlabs.org; iaep; SLOBs
Subject: Re: [IAEP] Sugar Labs 2017 Budget


Where can I read more about the sugar open badges? :)

On Feb 23, 2017 9:57 PM, "Laura Vargas" <laura en somosazucar.org<mailto:laura en somosazucar.org>> wrote:
Hello all! Hola a todos!

2016 Fiscal year is soon coming to its end (March 1st 2016 until February 28th 2017).

Subject to final reports from Adam, we must consider and project our expenses of the 2017 fiscal year. I would like to help in a first draft.

From the systems, marketing and funding threads, it has become clear Sugar Labs Project basically requires:

[1] To sponsor any motivated, active individuals in need to continue doing the best they can to support our mission.

- For this end I'm leading the initiative of Open Badges (12 Badges in total, 6 with a US$ 500 monthly stipend) totaling US$36,000.
- Also for this end, Walter is leading the Outreachy internship initiative with a budget of US$ 5,500.

[2] To make sure our servers are safe and our systems are distributed.

- For this end systems have required to budget and acquire a UPS for our servers at MIT. On January Samuel quoted 3 options budget range of US$200 - US$1.000.
- Please can anyone confirm if we require to maintain and budget for additional infrastructure?

[3] To maintain domains and trademarks.

- As far as I understand only sugarlabs.org<http://sugarlabs.org> and sugarlabs.net<http://sugarlabs.net> will need to be renewed this year at a estimated cost of less than US$100.
- Last year we spent $700 on trademark registration, I'm not sure if this is a yearly fee, please can anyone confirm? I will assume it is.

This give us a preliminary Total of Estimated Expenses for 2017 of US$43,300

This is what I'm aware of, as the community still needs to define its Marketing objectives and strategies and therefore it may be too soon to estimate a Budget on that.

Please share any other initiatives or commitments that will require funds for the 2017 fiscal year so we can get to work on a first draft!

Regards and blessings,


Laura V.

“No paradox, no progress.”
~ Niels Bohr

Happy Learning!

IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org<mailto:IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org>

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