[sugar-sur] [IAEP] [SLOB] meeting reminder

Walter Bender walter.bender en gmail.com
Vie Abr 7 09:13:35 EDT 2017

I meant 19 UTC, which is 15 EST. Sorry for the confusion. (We always meet
at 19 UTC. It is the EST time that bounces around.)



On Fri, Apr 7, 2017 at 9:11 AM, Sebastian Silva <sebastian en fuentelibre.org>

> Hi Walter,
> Please note, you probably meant *18 UTC* (14 EDT).
> ET is currently UTC-4 (EDT).
> Regards,
> Sebastian
> El 07/04/17 a las 07:28, Walter Bender escribió:
> We have a Sugar Labs advisory board meeting at 19 UTC (14 EST) on Friday,
> 7 April. We will be meeting on irc.freenode.net #sugar-meeting.
> Among other topics, we will be discussing:
> (1) status of Outreachy and Google Summer of Code programs (Walter)
> (2) Internet Society Global Engagement proposal (Laura)
> (3) Sugar Network funding request (Laura)
> (4) plans, goals, aspirations
> (5) [your topic here]
> Hope to see you there.
> regards.
> -walter
> --
> Walter Bender
> Sugar Labs
> http://www.sugarlabs.org
> _______________________________________________
> IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.orghttp://lists.sugarlabs.org/listinfo/iaep

Walter Bender
Sugar Labs
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