[sugar-sur] Sugar network / School Network

Laura Vargas laura en somosazucar.org
Dom Mayo 22 16:54:48 EDT 2016

> Possible interactions include, but are not limited to:
> 1. Search, run, install and uninstall Sugar Activities.

Sorry, I forgot to include"publish Sugar Activities".

> 2. Share feedback on the experience with Sugar, SN and Sugar Activities
> (comments, questions, ideas and problems).
> 3. Share solutions for questions, ideas and problems.
> 4. Share free digital educational resources (Project's descriptions and
> Journal Objects).
> 5. Perform automatic bug reporting of Sugar Activities.
> 6. Updating the Operating System.*
> 7. Share usage statistics.
> 8. Get notifications from other users interactions.*
> 9. Sneakernet functionallity.*
> 10. Group editing for projects.*
> 11. Allow access in DEMO mode (with limited functionality) visitors from a
> Web browser.
> * These functionalities where part of the original design but were not
> fully implemented.
> and then make it happen :D
>>> [1]
>>> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/index.php?title=Sugar_Network/API&redirect=no#Node_statistics
>>> [2] Hexoquinasa received an honourable mention for its contribution to
>>> the development and popularisation of free and open source software and the
>>> empowerment of communities more at https://www.apc.org/es/node/19368
>> --
>> Cheers
>> Dave
All the best
Laura V.
IRC kaametza

Happy Learning!
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