[sugar-sur] Sugar Labs Election - Don't Forget To Vote!
Caryl Bigenho
cbigenho en hotmail.com
Mie Ene 27 16:01:21 EST 2016
Hi Folks!
Three Sugar Labs members, Adam Holt (Unleash Kids), Aaron Borden (OLPC-SF), and myself (SoCalOSSIE), joined by 7 other local SoCal Ossie volunteers staffed a booth at SCaLE14X at the Pasadena Convention Center this past weekend.
It was an exciting event with approximately 4000+ attendees. We had unprecedented success in recruiting volunteers to work on various projects such as the school server, Sugarizer, and the new "Magic" SD card project. You can see a photo of the booth here: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/67674590/Booth2016.JPG.
Now it is time to turn our attention back to the Sugar Labs Oversight Board election which is going on right now. We are half-way through the time allotted and, so far, only about 20% of eligible voters have cast their ballots. We know some people have not received their ballots for one reason or another:
* The ballot was sent out by the CS dept of Cornell University, and even though it also has my name on it, the "cs.cornell.edu" doesn't pass many peoples' SPAM filters. If you haven't found your ballot yet.. look there first.
* Some long-time members of Sugar Labs have changed their email address, but it has not yet been updated in our data base. If you think this is you, please send us your new address and we will get you a ballot right away!
* One new member's address was accidentally left out of the data base but, because they notified us, we were able to send a ballot. If you are new, and think this may have happened to you, just send us a copy of your welcome letter, verifying eligibility, and we'll add your address to the list.
If you think you may be in one of these categories, or are just putting it off, please don't wait too long! Balloting will close in a few days and then it will be too late. If you don't know all the candidates, you can check out their platforms at https://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Oversight_Board/2015-2016-candidates
Caryl Bigenho, Poll Administrator for the
Sugar Labs Membership/Elections Committee
(Sebastian Silva (Peru), Caryl Bigenho (USA), Samson Goddy (Nigeria)
"Elections belong to the people. It's their decision. If they decide to turn their back on the fire and burn their behinds, then they will just have to sit on their blisters."
― Abraham Lincolnt
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