[somos-azucar] Fwd: [IAEP] [Butia-list] XO robotics
Laura Vargas
laura en somosazucar.org
Sab Oct 13 00:32:30 EDT 2012
XObots en acción!
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Andres Aguirre <aguirrea en gmail.com>
Date: 2012/10/11
Subject: Re: [IAEP] [Butia-list] XO robotics
To: Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn <alanjas en hotmail.com>
Cc: "butia-devel-l en fing.edu.uy" <butia-devel-l en fing.edu.uy>, "
iaep en lists.sugarlabs.org" <iaep en lists.sugarlabs.org>, Yama Ploskonka <
yamaplos en gmail.com>, Butia Lista <butia-list en fing.edu.uy>, "
tony_anderson en usa.net" <tony_anderson en usa.net>
I want to share with you this video
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gp3e1YAtJPs taken a few days ago in the
robotic event called sumo.uy [1] organized by the public Uruguayan
faculty of engineering. In this event there were two challenges for
the butiá robot, were schools from Uruguay come to participate.
This video is very nice, because is the robot that was done from the
scratch by students and a teacher of a small community in Uruguay.
They modify the original design of the butiá robot and use recycled
parts of old computer components to make the IO board and to make the
chassis of the robot with the case of an old PC.
all the best!
[1] www.fing.edu.uy/sumo.uy
On Mon, Oct 1, 2012 at 4:45 AM, Alan Jhonn Aguiar Schwyn
<alanjas en hotmail.com> wrote:
>> > Putting the XO on top of the robot appears to me as a cute photo op
>> > thing,
>> > not a necessity. It would be amazingly cool if the XO camera would
>> > capture
>> > images that real time were processed by the XO, or man a sonar sensor,
>> > or
>> > something. So far I don't think this is happening, and the XO on the
>> > platform feels like a pour la gallerie innocent gimmick.
>> In fact, the XO is part of the robot and there is a plugin for
>> TurtleBlocks that allows to use the camera as a sensor color. (see
>> followme plugin)
> Exist a "followme" plugin for the TurtleBlocks (TurtleArt) activity:
> http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Activities/Turtle_Art#FollowMe
> And exist a separate activity for the XO:
> http://activities.sugarlabs.org/es-ES/sugar/addon/4368
> A video of the activity FollowMe Butia:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Nnc9Rn9GbY
> Regards!
> Alan
IAEP -- It's An Education Project (not a laptop project!)
IAEP en lists.sugarlabs.org
Laura V.
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