[somos-azucar] [Sugar-devel] [SWEETS] Testing collaboration related fixes

Esteban Bordón ebordon en plan.ceibal.edu.uy
Jue Mayo 10 08:55:28 EDT 2012


After downgrade the packages, when I try to connect to an ad-hoc point the
laptop get stuck.
I attach the log for details but I don't know if they have relevant info.

I'm using non XO laptops, maybe that is the problem.


2012/5/9 Aleksey Lim <alsroot en sugarlabs.org>

> On Wed, May 09, 2012 at 04:08:09PM -0300, Esteban Bordón wrote:
> > I have installed this versions:
> >
> > ii  sweets-telepathy- 0.10.5-10.1       A Jabber/XMPP connection manager
> > for Telepathy
> > ii  sweets-telepathy- 0.11.16-5.1       GLib bindings for the Telepathy
> > D-Bus protocol
> > ii  sweets-telepathy- 5.6.1-6.1         A Jabber/XMPP connection manager
> > for Telepathy
> > ii  sweets-telepathy- 0.4.0-6.1         A link-local XMPP connection
> > manager for Telepathy
> >
> > If I run apt-get install sweets-telepathy apt returns that those are the
> > latest packages.
> To make sure that SD packages are correctly came from select SD repo,
> run:
>    sweets-distribution sync
> I've just tested current 0.94 packages w/ Salut connection, and it
> sounds like it works as assumed.
> --
> Aleksey
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