<div dir="ltr"><img class="mailtrack-img" src="https://mailtrack.io/trace/mail/a49d0cce019d41e2777dcefb16c39da8bd9462e8.png?u=1508360" height="0" width="0"><div>After going through a whole lot of articles, I have framed the following database structure connecting primary needs of a school management system. The portal can be made with Django and sqlite/postgres database with easy integration with sugar. <br><ul><li>4 types of user - Admin,Teacher, Student, Parent ( With appropriate database fields and permissions)<br></li><li>Teacher, Student, Parents can register themselves on the System or admin can create them<br> - Admin can accept any request.<br> - Teacher can accept student request which are in their class<br> - Parents will be added only if the student is registered<br></li><li>Subject :- A database for adding/removing subject. ( With fields like name, teachers, grading system)<br> - Teachers and Admin can register subjects<br> - each subject will have a no. of teachers assigned and a class timing for each teacher is also set.<br> - each student is assigned a no. of subjects with specific teacher.( Either student register themselves and await teacher's confirmation or teacher registers students)<br></li><li>Subject Material: - Teachers can upload grades, assignments, study materials and can review each student performance in this portal.( Parents can view their child's performance)</li><li>Class Schedule:- Each subject teacher and a student will have a class schedule attached to them. They can view upcoming classes for a week/month.</li><li>Attendance:- Each Class schedule have attendance database connected. ( Date,Student,Present or not)<br> - A similar daily attendance feature for teachers.</li><li>Student Promotion:- To promote a student to the new academic year.<br></li><li>Fees Management:- Managing receipt and dues of students.</li><li>Teachers Payroll :- Managing salary of teachers and budget of the school.</li></ul>Different views that will be created for respective audience are-<br><ul><li>A News Board:- where admin and teachers can update/notify students and parents.</li><li>A Calendar:- Showing Academic Schedule of the year.</li><li>Exam List:- Date and Venue</li></ul><p>Apart from this, other features that can be added to this system</p><ul><li>Online exam feature:- A portal for conducting and managing online exams.</li><li>Hostel Management</li><li>Library Management</li><li>Transport Management for Students.</li><li>Chat feature</li></ul><p>All these features can be made to support multi curriculum//boards.</p><p>-Rohit Lodha<br>Gitlab profile : <a href="https://gitlab.com/rtgdk" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" class="gmail-mt-detrack-inspected">https://gitlab.com/rtgdk</a><br>
Github profile: <a href="https://github.com/rtgdk" rel="noreferrer" target="_blank" class="gmail-mt-detrack-inspected">https://github.com/rtgdk</a></p></div></div>