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By no means!<br>
It actually is a great idea.<br>
Since you had the idea (or the itch) to fix this, I would ask that
you, please, see it thru to completion.    ;-)<br>
Take 10 minutes to list all the ways trying Sugar could be improved,
or, where not improved, at least better documented.<br>
There. Now you will have a meaningful GSoC Project:<b> <br>
   'Improve Sugar's "first impression" User Experience: Sugar on
a Stick / Trisquel on a Toast '</b><br>
This is an interesting project because it is _not only_ coding but
heavily, design and some marketing.<br>
In my mind it would be to:<br>
<li>Make a custom lili / unetbootin / etc installer capable of
presenting simple wizard like creation tool.</li>
<li>Put some useful information in Soas / Toast.</li>
<li>Maybe solve the installer chicken-egg problem (can't trust a
kid with a partitioning installer).</li>
<li>Document all of this</li>
<li>Make it so that the solution is flexible for the future</li>
<li>Make a website that offers the friendliest solution based on
platform, and turns to Sugarizer as worst-case<br>
Register for <a
a mentor</a> at google melange. Then you have to "add a
connection" to Sugar Labs as a mentor. <br>
Don't ask me, the UI is horrible. They get themselves help in this
Please do this. It will amplify Sugar Lab's usefulness for sure.<br>
<div class="moz-cite-prefix">El 19/03/15 a las 10:51, Iain Brown
Douglas escibió:<br>
<blockquote cite="mid:1426780264.2592.15.camel@vey-waldorf"
<pre wrap="">I take that as an `inappropriate`, then <span class="moz-smiley-s1" title=":)"><span>:)</span></span></pre>