As a result of the Google Code-In we have three new guest chapters and a new chapter section in MYOSA. You can read them at:<br><br><a href=""></a><br>
<br>The three Guest Chapters are in the section with that name and the new section is at the end of MAKING ACTIVITIES USING PYGAME, and is titled<span style="font-weight:normal"><font> <b>Porting Activities from Olpcgames to Sugargame. </b>Daniel Francis wrot<font>e this section.</font><b><br>
<br></b><font>We also have a new bio of Aneesh Dogra in the <b>Ab</b><font><b>out The Authors</b> chapter<font>.</font></font></font><b><br><br></b><font>There is an additional chapter about using WebKit in Activities that is incomplete, thus unpublished. I<font> have advised the author what it needs to have added to be complete. </font></font></font></span><span style="font-weight:normal"><font><font><font><span name="Lionel Laské" class="gD">Lionel Laské has offered to adapt his articles for OLPC News as a possible second chapter on We<font>bKit. The articles are here:</font><br>
<br><font><a href=""></a><br><a href=""></a></font><br>
<br>I've been imp<font>ressed with the work of our GCI guest authors, but since GCI rewards q<font>uantity of tasks completed more tha<font>n quality (a student can onl<font>y work o<font>n one task at a time, so if the mentor refuses to mark something complete </font></font></font></font></font>when it is <i>mostly </i>complete he feels like <font>a bad guy) there is st<font>ill some polishing needed on some of this stuff<font> that may not get done until GC<font>I is over with. On the whole I think these chapters are wort<font>h checking out.<br>
<br><font>I need <font>to do a lot of revisions to the rest of the book<font>, since so much has changed since I published </font></font></font>it. New style toolbars are just "toolbars" now, Hippo Canvas is de<font>p<font>recated, sugar-jhbuild is no more, and supporting Fedora 10 and later versions at the same time isn't a hot topic anymore. I will work on updates to t<font>he main chapters as time permits. I'll be publishing to the web regularly, bu<font>t the printed and ebook versions will wait<font> until I thi<font>nk we have something wort<font>h publishing.</font></font></font></font></font></font></font> I'll get a new ISBN number from Create Space for the printed book<font>s<font> and st<font>op selling the old ones. <font>I'll do somet<font>hing different for the ebooks so you can <font>get a revised copy without buying it again<font>, and f<font>ree downl<font>oads for old and new will be on arch<font>i<font><a href=""></a>.<br>
<br><font>I'm hoping to get more gu<font>est chapters, and not just from our younger developers (of course they will <font>be<font> espec<font>ially w<font>elcome</font></font></font></font></font></font>).<br><br><font>James Simmons<br>