Hi all.<br><br>Here is the latest update.<br><br>We got the following two patches tested by Ceibal ::<br><br><br>a)<br>0001-TEST-See-if-this-works-for-the-mesh-issue-on-signed-.patch<br><br>This patch, adds "/etc/modprobe.d/libertas.conf" to the initramfs image (unarchiving, adding and archiving during OOB stage).<br>
Unfortunately, this does not seem to work.<br><br>We could debug it more, but I fear that that would inevitably mean modifying the initramfs a fair bit. Since, we are talking at the kernel level, modifying initramfs even a bit too much, would require exponential more testing.<br>
<br>Lucking, we have a simple, clean, understood and guaranteed-to-work solution.<br><br><br><br><br>b)<br>0001-olpc-configure-Reloading-libertas-and-dependent-usb8.patch<br><br>(As already stated in earlier mails) This patch reloads the libertas (and the dependent usb8xxx driver) during intial boot, which mounts the secondary-storage-based-filesystem. This time, the rules from /etc/modprobe.d/* are read, and the mesh is appropriately disabled via the "libertas_disablemesh" KLM parameter.<br>
<br>So, it would be good if this is included upstream.<br><br><br>For brevity, I am re-attaching the two patches.<br><br><br>Thanks and Regards,<br>Ajay<br>