Hi,<br><br>I'm testing collaboration between a laptop XO 1.75 with F14-Sugar 0.94 and a Classmate PC with Sweets Distribution (using Factory repo) on Ubuntu 10.04. The steps done are:<br><br>* XO starts Chat Activity and share<br>
* classmate's neighborhood show the chat icon shared<br>* When open the shared activity, I don't see any message sent by the XO<br><br>If Classmate share the activity, this isn't shown in XO's neighborhood<br>
<br>I attach logs of the first case.<br><br>cheers,<br>Esteban.<br><br clear="all"> <div> </div><font face="'times new roman', serif">A/C Esteban Bordón</font><br><font face="'times new roman', serif">Investigación y Desarrollo - Plan Ceibal</font><br>
<div style="text-align:left"><font face="'times new roman', serif">Centro Ceibal - Av. Italia 6201 - Montevideo, Uruguay</font><br></div><br><div style="text-align:left"><font face="'times new roman', serif"><a href="mailto:ebordon@plan.ceibal.edu.uy" target="_blank"><br>