Hi Gary and team :)<br>Here, in SugarCamp Junin, we did a review at the state of the toolbars.<br>These are ideas to discuss, if you want in the meeting, or start over mail.<br>We don't know if will be available tomorrow to participate in the Design Team meeting.<br>
Regards, <br><br>Gonzalo & Manuel<br><br>Toolbar Catalog: <a href="http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Toolbar_Catalog">http://wiki.sugarlabs.org/go/Design_Team/Toolbar_Catalog</a><br><br><br>Browse:<br>* Can we move the Next/Previous buttons to the left of the url entry, like in other browsers,<br>
and may be move the home button to the rigth.<br><br>Finance:<br>* Replace the "Period" label and the combo, with a RadioMenuButton with calendar icon.<br>* Add a Edit button and implement copy/paste.<br>* Move the transactions buttons to the right of the view button.<br>
* Move the help bar to the bottom of the screen?<br><br>Fototoon:<br>* Check activity icon, looks smaller than the others.<br><br>GetBooks:<br>* Move the Journal source option in the combo to separated button in the toolbar?<br>
* Move the language combo to a configuration (spanner) subtoolbar?<br><br>ImageViewer:<br>* We should standarize rotate buttons in ImageViewer, Paint and FototToon.<br>* Move fullscreen button at the rigth of Zoom buttons, add a separator and next the rotate buttons.<br>
<br>Implode:<br>* The buttons in the main toollbar should be left aligned (Manu has a patch). <br> <br>Infoslicer:<br>* The icon used in Publish button, is the Keep button icon and should be replaced <br>by a export icon.<br>
<br>Jukebox:<br>* We can replace the sound icon, by a icon with a plus sign because is a add sound button.<br>* We can add another button with to add video, opening the object chooser filtering video files.<br>* The play button looks bigger than the other media operations buttons.<br>
* Can we improve the volume control? May be use the same icons than the frame and a more conventional palette?<br>Try standarize the icon with other sound activities, like TamTamSuite.<br><br>Labyrinth:<br>* Replace the export icons with the icons with the journal badge (Manuel will improve the icons from Write)<br>
* There changesin the toolbar in git, without packaging.<br>* Need a help button (for example is difficult discover the move of objects with the right button)<br>* There are mode buttons in a subtoolbar? May be should be in the main toolbar.<br>
<br>Log:<br>* There are a separator before the copy button?<br>* The wrap button is using a left align icon and is not the proper metaphore.<br>* The gear button is not correct for the used subtoolbar. In fact, we can move the two buttons in <br>
the subtooolbar to the main toolbar.<br>* The log colllector icon should not be the loupe. May be use a export icon.<br>* Move the wrap button after the separator next to the search controls.<br><br>Maze:<br>* Move the activity name entry to the main toolbar.<br>
* Move the share button after the activity name entry like in the other activities.<br><br>Measure:<br>* Replace the lips icon, with the microphone like in Record.<br><br>Pippy:<br>* How can the user save a modification?<br>
<br>Read:<br>* Use the Next/Previous icons like in Browse?<br>* The index button can use a RadioMenuButton to show the options in the combo,<br>and avoid use a subtoolbar only to this combo.<br>* Move the favorite button to the last position.<br>
<br>Record:<br>* May be replace the combos with the icons by RadioMenuButtons?<br><br>Speak:<br>* Replace the last icon (robot) by the spanner.<br>* Improve the mode icons?<br><br>TamTamEdit<br>* The Record button cen be removed, and move the Save to ogg button to the activity toolbar,<br>
changing the icon to a export sound icon.<br>* What is the function of the save keyboard button.<br>* The volumen/tempo button in the configuration subtoolbar can be moved to the main toolbar.<br>* The palette in the spanner in the configuration subtoolbar, can be moved to the spanner <br>
in the main toolbar, then we can remove the subtoolbar and avoid duplicating the icon.<br><br>TamTamJam:<br>* The "Mute loops" icon is not very intuitive. Looks like mute speakers icon.<br>* We should unify the design of the volume/tempo palettes with TamTamEdit:<br>
no strings, put icons on the left of the Adjustement widgets. <br>* The collections should be left aligned.<br><br>TamTamSynth:<br>* The rounded clear icon to clear the desktop, should be the rectangular clear icon, like in Paint<br>
<br>Terminal:<br>* Use the same style in the tabs as Browse.<br>