Hello,<br><br>With OLPC-France, we are currently working on a new activity named 'AToiDeJouer' ('YourTurnToPlay'). The project is in its early stage and still needs effort for its achievement. Here is a recent screencast of the activity:<br>
<br><a href="http://olpc-france.org/download/OLPC_AToiDeJouer_Demo_Graphic_Editing.mp4" target="_blank">http://olpc-france.org/download/OLPC_AToiDeJouer_Demo_Graphic_Editing.mp4</a><br><br>I confirm, this demo goes really fast, and doesn't reflect standard use or discovery. But as the status of this project, it gives an idea of the goal we aim and the remaining work to do.<br>
<br>The activity should be provided with 4 stories on an USB stick. For download, these stories should be delivered separately but we didn't work on that issue yet.<br><br>List of the USB stories:<br>. Le corbeau et le renard<br>
. La grenouille qui veut se faire aussi grosse que le bœuf<br>. Le lièvre et la tortue<br>. La cigale et la fourmi<br><br>This activity fully use GTK as UI library and gst for sound playing. It's ok, if we key keep a rendering of 1 frame per second, but the performance issue can evolve if we find a nicer way to edit the story and manage editable frame transition. May be we will be able to manage story with more than 1 frame per second and will need stronger rendering backend, like a pygame integration in the GTK all thing. I found some info about that but haven't try anything yet.<br>
<br>For the USB version, children will open the activity with an existing story and play with it. But managing graphics, sequences, sounds, frames, time, loops, etc. can be quiet complicated for children. I tried to reproduce a adobe flash like UI, but it remains difficult to use for new user in general, and surely more for a younger audience. We already have some idea on that issue, like: put tooltip on all buttons, prepare sequence in motion instead of simple image list, offer simple | medium | advanced editing mode. But, we certainly to step back and see if other good ideas or compromise can be found.<br>
<br>I developed and tested the activity on a trisquel-sugar-4.1 virtualbox instance. Also I tried it once on a XO 1.5, but it seems that activity.ActivityToolbox and gtk.Color works in a different way. I still need to figure out if it the only compatibility problem and work on it. The USB version will use a trisquel-sugar-4.1 instance too, but it can be interresting to keep an eye on compatibility for larger deployment.<br>
<br>I will post a link to mockups and screenshots of the main screens soon to illustrate the work done and to think about a nicer ergonomy. Meanwhile, here is the gitorious link:<br><br><a href="http://git.sugarlabs.org/atoidejouer" target="_blank">http://git.sugarlabs.org/atoidejouer</a><br>
<br>Please don't hesitate to fork this project, send patch, comment, give your opinion and point of view ...<br><br>++<br>florent<br><br>